Page 67 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 67 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
P. 67


        LEARNING                            SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING              TEACHING STAFF
        This course is delivered through    Outside of your timetabled lectures and   The vlogƵ has three outstanding
        whole-class lectures, small group   practical sessions, you are expected to   academic and clinical departments.
        tutorials, group work in directed    undertake self-directed learning. Typically,   Lecturers in each department are
        learning classes, computer-assisted   this involves reading journal articles   not only world-class researchers and
        learning, demonstrations, practical work   and books, working on individual and   clinicians who are passionate about
        in laboratory and dissection classes,   group projects, undertaking research   their field but are highly qualified
        practical classes utilising live animals,   in the library, preparing coursework   teaching professionals. All RVC
        directed and self-directed reading,   assignments and presentations, and   students are assured teaching of
        directed and self-directed practice in   preparing for examinations.    the highest standard.
        the Clinical Skills Centre, self-evaluation,
        animal husbandry placements,
        placements in veterinary practices,
        and production of project reports.

                                                              “I enjoy the freedom this course allows. I can choose
                                                              practical time slots and certain electives that I’m
                                                              most interested in, and I feel that this makes the
                                                              RVC experience uniquely special for each student. I
                                                              particularly enjoy the flexibility students get academically
                                                              as it allows me to streamline my interests and start
                                                              steering towards a specific field earlier on in the degree.
                                                              I am personally quite interested in small animals and
                                                              exotics and have just chosen a ferret-based research
                                                              project, which I’m very excited about. I also had the
                                                              freedom to request three rotation options apart from
                                                              the compulsory blocks and am looking forward to the
                                                              cardiology block that I’ve chosen.”

                                                              SHARRON LEE
                                                              Graduate Accelerated Bachelor Veterinary Medicine

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