Page 58 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 58 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
P. 58


        TEACHING AND LEARNING                                 TEACHING STAFF
                                                              The vlogƵ has three outstanding academic and clinical
        LEARNING                                              departments. Lecturers in each department are not only
        This course is delivered through whole-class lectures, small   world-class researchers and clinicians who are passionate
        group tutorials, group work in directed learning classes,   about their field but also highly qualified teaching
        computer-assisted learning, demonstrations, practical work   professionals. All RVC students are assured teaching of
        in laboratory and dissection classes, practical classes   the highest standard.
        utilising live animals, directed and self-directed reading,
        directed and self-directed practice in the Clinical Skills
        Centre, self-evaluation, animal husbandry placements,   ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK
        clinical placements in our own veterinary practices and those
        of collaborative partners, and production of project reports.  Assessment of and for your learning during the BVetMed
                                                              involves a variety of assessment methods at different stages
                                                              of the course including formative assessments via quizzes and
        Outside of your timetabled lectures and practical sessions,   feedback from academic staff, essays and problem-solving
        you are expected to undertake self-directed learning. Typically,   questions, multiple choice questions, integrated structure
        this involves reading journal articles and books, working on   and function oral exams, Objective Structured Clinical Exams
        individual and group projects, undertaking research in the   (OSCEs), Direct Observation of Practical Skills (DOPS),
        library, preparing coursework assignments and presentations,   a research project and assessment of clinical competency
        and preparing for examinations.                       during rotations.

                          “It was brilliant to have achieved the award
                          for runner-up Farm Vet of the Future, as it is great to
                          have acknowledgement in the veterinary community
                          that my ideas on education are valued, and that vets
                          in practice are interested in my work with Dr Nicola
                          Blackie on thermal imaging – something that I hope to                       Photo by
                          continue after graduating.                                                  Andrew Gorman
                          After graduation, I am going into a purely farm job on the
                          Suffolk/Norfolk border, at Three Rivers and Chapelfield Farm Vets, and the work
                          that I had put in previously in order to be able to apply for the award, should help
                          in this job. One of the tasks I will be doing at the practice, is talking to schools and
                          helping to educate the children, and hopefully, engaging the children about animal
                          welfare. As well as this I should have access to the farms needed to continue my
                          work with Dr Nicola Blackie. The award is very nice recognition of my passion for
                          farm vetting and I hope it stands me in good stead for the rest of my career.”

                          AIDAN COE
                          Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
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