Page 36 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 36 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
P. 36


                                                              IN BIOLOGICAL


        “I graduated in 2021 from the MSci Applied Biological   The vlogƵ’s Biological Sciences Pathways are
        Research with a first class honours and an award      challenging, yet rewarding, and will equip you
        for coming first place in the MSci programmes. After   with practical techniques and transferable skills
        graduating from my degree, I worked at the Early
        Cancer Institute, University of Cambridge, for a year   for a range of careers allied to biomedical and
        as a research assistant. I used organoid models to    bioveterinary science.
        understand how early breast and endometrial cancers
        are impacted by obesity-related factors. After, this year,
        I was accepted onto a PhD programme, where I am now   EXAMPLE OF SOME OF THE
        a second year PhD student at UCL Cancer Institute     CAREERS GRADUATES HAVE
        in London, studying how pre-cancers in the upper
        gastrointestinal tract evolve into cancer and whether   GONE INTO INCLUDE:
        we can use that understanding to help early cancer    •  Scientific research and academia
        detection efforts. The thing I enjoy most about being a
        PhD student is being able to research a topic I am very   •  Conservation
        passionate about, even if at sometimes it can be very   •  Animal welfare policy and charities
        challenging and stressful!
                                                              •  The biotechnology/bioscience and
        My time at the RVC taught me a lot about what            pharmaceutical industries
        research really is. My degree provided me with a
        strong knowledge and practical skills, through practical   •  Animal behaviour consultancy
        sessions, my third-year research dissertation in breast   •  Farm industry
        cancer and my placement fourth year in industry at
        GSK. I was able to gain a wide range of experience that   •  Publishing
        enabled me to get my first job out of my degree and
        now my PhD. All the skills and experience I’ve collected   •  Media
        along the way, right from being at the RVC, I use daily in   •  Medical communications
        my role as a PhD student.
                                                              •  Veterinary science
        After my PhD (I’ll graduate September 2026), I hope to   •  Graduate schemes in sectors as diverse as
        move into intellectual property and biobusiness. As I have
        been working in an early cancer detection space I have   finance and government
        learnt much about how new innovations are brought from
        the research bench to clinic, and would really enjoy getting
        to apply my scientific understanding in this space.”
        MSci Applied Biological Research, Graduated 2021
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