Page 18 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 18 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
P. 18

        STUDENTS SAY...

        “The vlogƵ’s reputation is truly      “The vlogƵ places high priority on student   “I am looking forward to learning
        amazing and the facilities are brilliant.   health and wellbeing. Staff and students   about different areas of research and
        Everyone has the same focus on      alike are constantly encouraging    broadening my knowledge on real world
        animal welfare and care. I have found   one another to be the best version of   scientific discoveries, which would
        the RVC very welcoming to new       themselves. There is a strong community   open new doors of research for me to
        students. After I graduate, I would love   bond which allows students and staff   potentially go into once I graduate.
        to gain further experience in practice,   alike to foster lifelong relationships.
        however omething tells me I will never   Additionally, students are presented   The vlogƵ has been a great place for
        be far from the RVC.”               with an abundance of opportunities and   me to learn employable skills while
                                            encouraged to collaborate. This was   nurturing my curiosity for research and
        LENNON WOOD                         something I found unique and one of the   willingness to help a wider good with
        BSc Veterinary Nursing              many things I love about the RVC.”  research I conduct in the future.”

                                            SIERRA LATSHAW                      HAFSAH FAROOQ
                                            Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine     BSc Bioveterinary Sciences

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