Page 100 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
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Thinking of a career in veterinary To support the comprehensive academic/placement schedule
medicine? Join us for an exciting two- there is also a curated social programme, to facilitate the
integration of summer school students as well as providing
week Pre-Vet Summer School where an environment to develop skills, attributes and friendships.
students will gain veterinary skills and In past years this has included: exploring London’s famous
landmarks, visiting ZSL London Zoo, attending a West
knowledge that will count towards End show, competing in an RVC Bake Off competition and
your work experience requirements for experiencing animal handling opportunities.*
courses at the ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ, WHERE WILL I STAY?
and get a taste of student life at the RVC. Summer School students will stay at our Hawkshead Campus in
Hertfordshire for the duration of the programme.
• Independent houses based on-campus with private
The Pre-Vet Summer School is the RVC’s most immersive, bedroom facilities
preparatory programme for students with an aspiration to study • First-Aid trained Summer School Co-ordinators on-site 24/7
Veterinary Medicine. This 13-day residential Summer School
is based at the RVC’S Hawkshead Campus and offers work • Fully-equipped and furnished housing with bathroom
experience in cutting-edge animal hospitals and animal handling and kitchen facilities
environments with students gaining between 25 and 30 hours • Internet access available in each house and across
that can be used towards an application. Students, no matter Hawkshead Campus
their previous experience, typically undertake placements in the • 24-hour security
RVC’s Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Beaumont Sainsbury • Utilities and bed linen is included (but not towels)
Animal Hospital, Equine Referral Hospital as well as non-clinical
environments such as Boltons Park Farm.
To compliment placements, students will experience university-
level lectures from RVC academics on a wide-range of veterinary The annual Pre-Vet Summer School runs in August.
topics at both the Camden and Hawkshead campuses. As well as Please check our website for upcoming dates and
conduct a research project, engage in group-led teaching, learn application deadlines. The 2024 Summer School is
practical clinical skills, and try to solve a real-life veterinary case! expected to cost £3,130 (price to be confirmed)**.
This includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch and
Students will be allocated a Student Ambassador as a evening meals, social activities, equipment, specialist
mentor to support and guide their academic and professional clothing, laundry and Heathrow airport transfer on the
development during the Summer School. Dedicated RVC first and last day of the Summer School.
professionals will provide comprehensive sessions around the
application process with the aim of empowering students to Payment for your visa, airfares, travel and health insurance
fulfil their potential and join the RVC. Throughout the academic or transport from other UK airports must be arranged
and social programme there will be the opportunity for students separately. The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ awards three
to meet and learn from veterinary professionals in order to gain fee-waiver scholarships. One for domestic students and
real-life insight into the veterinary profession/career. two for international students.
* Subject to change
** Price is subject to change in subsequent years.