Page 12 - paws-and-hooves-autumn-2024







Page 12 - paws-and-hooves-autumn-2024
P. 12

Your support in action...

       Dan Chan,                           Team Womble  Wedding

       the marathon  hikes for                                                  celebrations
       man                                 epilepsy                             When Mallory and Sami, lost their

                                                                                cat Mr. Bingley they were devastated
                                                                                he wouldn't be at their wedding.
                                                                                Wanting to include him on their big
                                                                                day, they asked guests to donate to
                                                                                the RVC Animal Care Trust. Raising
                                                                                £1,600 in Mr. Bingley’s memory,
                                                                                Mallory told us: "Mr. Bingley had FIV
                                                                                (feline HIV) which meant he was
                                                                                prone to infections. When his eye
                                                                                became infected, Dr Ursula, an RVC
                                                                                professor and the world’s leading cat
                                                                                ophthalmologist, cared for him and
       Dan Chan, Professor of Emergency                                         made sure he kept his sight."
       and Critical Care Medicine, has gone
       more than the extra mile to support   Melissa sadly lost her dog Lola on her   Mallory, Mr Bingley's owner:
       the RVC Blood Donor Programme.      6th birthday after a 'two year battle
       After running the London Marathon   with epilepsy'. Determined to help           While we wish we
       in April, he went one step further   other epileptic dogs and their owners   could've had him in our
       and ran his second marathon at the   Melissa decided to raise money for    lives for longer, we are
       Bedford GP Autodrome in August.     canine epilepsy research at the RVC.
       Dan’s dedication helped raise over   Melissa and Lola used to love hiking   happy his last years
       £3,000. He said: "Ever since I joined   and being out in nature, so their   were lived as fully as
       the RVC almost 19 years ago, I’ve   friends and family came together to    they were, thanks in part
       been a passionate supporter         form ‘Team Womble’ and climb the
       of the RVC Blood Donor Programme.   Three Welsh Peaks in Lola’s memory.    to the RVC.
       Working in the QMHA I've seen
       first-hand how blood donations help   Melissa, Lola's owner:             gow you are making a difference.
       pets every single day. When I heard
       that the RVC Animal Care Trust was          It was a very healing
       fundraising to build the blood donor   experience whilst dealing
       team a new home, I knew I had to
       help. I’m delighted to run for a cause   with my grief for Lola. So
       I believe in and to raise awareness   far, we have raised £754
       about pet blood donation. I know I’ll   which is more than I could
       feel a sense of pride when I step into
       the blood donor team’s new home.      have ever imagined.

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