Page 80 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
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a year later, Francis moved to lead the In the mid-1980s David was
Physiology department at the Royal approached to write a definitive
Veterinary College in Camden Town textbook on the subject he’d
and David followed him there. The vlogƵ specialised in, after five-six years of
was to become a significant part of his intensive work, ‘The Mitochondrion in
life for the next 40 years. Health & Disease’ was finally published
in 1992. It became the standard WE ALSO PROUDLY
Academically David’s passion had teaching text for a whole generation
zeroed in on the mitochondrion, the of undergraduate biochemists. At this REMEMBER:
microscopic energy power plant time, he developed a strong interest
embedded deep within every living in teaching and the pastoral care Peter Allen 1949
cell. He later described seeing electron- of the students, and was appointed Bryan Auckland 1962
microscope images of these minute to administer the original hardship/ George Barker 1951
organelles and being entranced by their access funds, and the “DDT” brand of
slender shapes and rounded forms... quirky lectures became well-known to David Barnet 1950
“it was love at first sight”. Discovering generations of young vets. Jeffrey Ronald Brain 1951
precisely how these mitochondria John Kelvin Bunner 1959
create energy for the body became his He had a deep passion for art – David George Sidney Burch 1972
first academic obsession – he focused and particularly Thomas Gainsborough. Peter John Clark 1978
on discovering how the oxidation He saw no contradiction in soaking Michael Creek 1959
of foodstuffs was completed via his veterinary tutees in the arts
the oxidoreduction reactions in the – and formed the ‘vlogƵine Arts Christopher Paul Devile 1960
intracellular respiratory chain are linked Group’ with a programme of art Robert Iain Malcolm Elliott 1977
or “coupled” to adenosine triphosphate visits and expeditions. Keith Griffith 1951
(ATP) synthesis. It was in this field that In retirement, he stayed intellectually Susan Hiscock 1976
David was awarded his PhD in 1963, active and increasingly was drawn to Robert Geoffrey Holmes 1954
shortly followed by starting a two-year the diligent study of the life and times John Keele 1962
post-doctoral research fellowship of Thomas Gainsborough; publishing
in Philadelphia. Brian Thomas Lawrence 1956
various papers on the artist’s life and Michael John Mathewson 1963
It was at the University of Pennsylvania often being quoted as a source in Peter Plumley 1965
that he met his wife Janine Gonze, definitive publications on the artist.
a young Belgian researcher, herself Even in October 2021, the publication Maurice Polley 1952
studying for a PhD in the same field. of Sue Sloman’s reference work on Bryan Robert Pooley 1962
They co-authored a set of research ‘Gainsborough in London’ pays a Susan Jane Potter 1979
papers between road trip tours special acknowledgement to the Peter Daniel Rossdale 1952
around the US, and weekends on a research provided by David Tyler. Leonard Henzell Rutherford 1956
colleague’s sailing boat on Chesapeake He is survived by his three sons, Colin Rolph Sitford 1964
Bay. They got married in 1965 back Bernard, Colin and Richard – their
in Namur, Belgium, ahead of living in wives and his seven grandchildren. Stephen Sparrow 1967
Bruxelles for a year whilst their first child Jean Margaret Turner 1971
was born and before moving back to Paul John Walden 1989
the RVC. Indeed, they even selected a David Wylie 1964
house in Barnet conveniently positioned Tony Mulchansingh
between the RVC’s Camden and Alan Smith
Hawkshead locations, and was
appointed to become a permanent ...and our other RVC alumni
lecturer on the physiology course; and friends who are sadly
which he coupled in those days with no longer with us.
significant fundamental research.
We are keen to pay tribute
to RVC alumni who have
sadly died. If you would like
to share your stories and
memories of a relative, friend
or colleague, please email us