Page 71 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 71 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 71


           RVC ALUMNI JOBS BOARD                                                     ALUMNI

           Do you have vacancies where you work?                                     COMING
           Or are you looking for a new challenge yourself?

           The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ is committed to creating   There are a number of vacancies
           employable graduates that meet the   advertised and the Jobs Board is     ACROSS
           needs of the veterinary sector and beyond.   constantly updated so why not take
                                             a look? A range of roles, both UK       THE GLOBE
           Our commitment to creating leaders
           of the future does not stop at helping   and overseas, are advertised.
           our graduates into employment; we   You can find the Jobs Board at        Whether you studied as an
           recognise that finding the right role,    international student, were a
           offering professional development and   We will be holding our annual Careers   member of RVC staff or are now
           job satisfaction, is just as important for   Fair in February. If you would like a   an ex-pat living abroad, keeping
           our graduates and their employers.
                                             stand in the future, where you have the   in touch with you is really
           With that in mind, we have an online   opportunity to talk to students about   important to us.
           Jobs Board for final year students and   your organisation and any upcoming
           alumni to use and advertising on it is   opportunities that you have, please   To support this, we have
           free of charge.                   email                  International Networking Groups
                                                                                     in Hong Kong, New York, Boston
                                                                                     and Los Angeles.

                                                                                     The groups are not only designed
           ALUMNI VOLUNTEERS                                                         to help us keep in touch with you,
                                                                                     but also enable you to keep in
           ACROSS THE RVC                                                            touch with each other!

                                                                                     If you are interested in joining one
           Here are just some of the ways in which   •  Our Careers Service would love to   of the groups or want to know
           you can help the RVC and its current   hear from any alumni willing to talk to   more about what they do, please
           students and researchers:           current students about their careers   see our website:
                                               at careers fairs and conferences      network, where it will also link you
           •  Our External Relations team is                                         to specific social media pages set
            always keen to receive your stories   we host – talks on a wide range of   up for these groups, or email us:
            for Eclipse, the web pages, the    careers are always welcome  
            prospectus and more. If you have   •  Research conducted at the RVC
            a story to tell, such as publishing a   to help animals spans from genetic   Don’t forget to join our main
            book, taking an interesting career   studies to epidemiology investigating   alumni social media pages
            path, or providing a testimonial for   diseases across populations, and   for more information on RVC
                                                                                     news and events:
            one of our courses then we would   everything in between. There are
            love to hear from you.             numerous research clinics and            /rvc.alum
                                               centres focused on particular            @RVCAlumni
           •  Our Student Recruitment and
            Admissions teams are always on     conditions and treatments. Would          ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ
            the lookout for alumni to help with   you like to get involved?            Alumni (group)
            student interviews, either in the UK or   •  Our Clinical Investigations Centre   We also have a number of
            abroad. Could you help?            and Vet Compass are always in need    alumni across the globe
                                               of practices to join their research
           •  The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ Students’ Union,                                               who have offered to be
            Widening Participation and         projects – a current list can be found   ambassadors. If you are
            Admissions teams are keen to hear   here:      interested in joining this
            from alumni who would be happy   If you would be interested in being     network, please do get
            to provide talks to prospective and   involved please email              in touch.
            current students.       and we will put you
                                             in touch with the relevant team.

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