Page 54 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 54 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 54


        Priyavadinee’s experiences of completing her MSc Veterinary Epidemiology
        and Public Health studies

        Priyavadinee Ragoonath was          I also had the opportunity to travel to   achieved a Masters degree in Veterinary
        awarded a Commonwealth              the UK for the orientation workshop and   Epidemiology and Public Health from the
        Scholarship to study the MSc        teaching workshops. I had the chance   ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ, University of
        in Veterinary Epidemiology          to visit the campus, meet other students   London. I shall work to make a difference
                                                                                to the Mauritian society. The Public
                                            on the programme and had face-to-face
        and Public Health and, in 2022,     interactions with lecturers from the Royal   Health sector is a prime concern of mine
        became the first vet in Mauritius   Veterinary College. It was an overall   and I fully intend to use the knowledge
        to graduate with this award.        enriching experience.               and experience gained to contribute
                                                                                to the animal welfare and public health
        WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS  WOULD YOU RECOMMEND                            sector of my country. Eventually, I will
        SPECIFIC PROGRAMME?                 THIS PROGRAMME TO                   be striving hard towards opportunities

        It offered me the opportunity to study   PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS           that will allow me to interact and work
        an internationally recognised Masters   AND WHY?                        alongside international organisations.
        degree while living in Mauritius and   I would definitely recommend this
        because it is distance learning, I was   programme, since the RVC is
        able to fit my studies around my other   internationally recognised for its world
        commitments, whilst pursuing my career.  class education, which will open doors

        WHAT DO YOU FIND THE                to more opportunities. The education is
                                            top notch and the lecturers and course
        MOST INTERESTING,                   coordinators are supportive at every
        REWARDING AND                       step of the way.
        YOUR PROGRAMME?                     HOW IS THIS PROGRAMME
        I was surprised that I formed part   HELPING YOU ACHIEVE
        of an exclusive community and was   YOUR CAREER GOALS?
        provided with the same privilege    It is definitely a lifetime achievement for
        as an on-campus student. It was     me. There were no qualified and trained
        a challenging but rewarding path    veterinary epidemiologists in Mauritius
        towards achieving a Masters degree   and so it is a high prestige for me to be
        from this prestigious university.   the first veterinarian in Mauritius who has

         Photography Richard Addison

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