Page 41 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 41 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 41


        Lord Curry of Kirkharle

        Lord Curry of Kirkharle was awarded
        a Fellowship of the College for his
        services to the RVC in his position as
        Chair of RVC Council for seven years.
        Lord Curry retired from the position
        in 2019 and our first Graduation
        since the pandemic seemed the ideal
        time to make the award.
        Donald Curry lives in Northumberland
        and has been a Crossbench Peer in
        the House of Lords since 2011. He
        was a founding trustee of the Prince’s
        Countryside Fund and has been Chair
        since March 2016. In June 2014 he was
        appointed Chair of Cawood Scientific,
        an independent provider of accredited
        analytical laboratory testing services for
        the land-based sector. He is a trustee
        of Clinton Devon Estates, and also
        Anglican International Development
        (AID), a charity leading on a range of
        development projects in South Sudan.

        He retired as Chair of the Council of   He served as a Crown Estate     cross bench peer in the House of Lords in
        the RVC in August 2019. From 2009   Commissioner from January 2000      October 2011. In 2004 he was awarded
        until the summer of 2016, he was Chair   until December 2007. He was first   an Honorary Doctorate (BSc) by Cranfield
        of the Leckford Estate Management   appointed as a Meat and Livestock   University, an Honorary Doctorate by the
        Committee – the Waitrose Farm. He   Commission Commissioner in October   University of Gloucestershire in 2005 and
        was appointed chair of the Better   1986 and Chaired the Commission     a Doctorate of Civil Law by Newcastle
        Regulation Executive in 2010 and    from September 1993 until April 2001,   University in 2008.
        remained there until the end of 2015.   throughout the BSE crisis and the Foot
        He was appointed as a board member   and Mouth disease outbreak. He was a   We thank Lord Curry for his
        of the NFU Mutual Insurance Company   founder of ‘At Home in the Community’   commitment to the RVC and
        in 1997 and was Chairman from June   in 1990, a charity providing care   the impact he has had on the
        2003 to December 2011. He Chaired   and support for people with learning   RVC Community.
        the Policy Commission on the Future   disabilities and was Chair until 2014.
        of Farming and Food reporting to
        Government in January 2002 and      He was awarded a CBE for his services
        was responsible for overseeing the   to Agriculture in the 1997 New Year’s
        Government’s Strategy for Sustainable   Honours list, a Knighthood in the Birthday
        Farming and Food until March 2009.   Honours in 2001 and was appointed as a

        Simon (1977), Bourgelat (1986) and   from the RVC has meant so much to me
        Blaine (1995) Awards for work in    in my career. I am truly honoured to have
        veterinary ophthalmology and in 2009,   my work recognised by my alma mater in
        was presented the ISVO’s Magrane    this award of its Honorary Fellowship”
        Memorial Lecture. In 2014, he received   David Church said: “Peter is a
        the Kennel Club’s International Lifetime   wonderful example of someone who has
        Achievement Award for his work in the   immersed himself in being an excellent
        control of hereditary ocular disease.
                                            clinician and an outstanding educator.
        Professor Bedford said: “I am grateful   His commitment to the discipline of
        that the RVC gave me the chance     veterinary ophthalmology remains as
        to teach and research veterinary    strong today as it was when he was
        ophthalmology. Fortunately, I was in the   appointed as the RVC’s first lecturer in
        right place in the very early days in the   Ophthalmology over 40 years ago.”
        development of the discipline and the
        support and encouragement I received   Many congratulations to Peter.

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