Page 35 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 35 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 35


        12-hour hockey match for charity

        Rebecca Wilkinson, Hockey Club Charity Secretary 2021-22

                n Wednesday 9th March,      struggled without people there to boost   exhausted. Recovery refreshments in the
                the RVC Hockey Club         morale. A big thank you to everyone   Buttery were in order. Everyone played
                (RVC HC) took on the        who came to cheer us on, including RVC   amazingly well all day and I am so proud
        Omammoth task of playing            RFC, RVC Netball and RVC WRFC. We   of everyone’s enthusiasm and dedication.
        a 12-hour hockey match to raise funds for   also had a few old hockey boys pop in to   We would like to thank each and every
        Dementia UK and the Hockey Club itself.   have a quick run about and it was great   person who donated – you have helped
                                            to see them again.
        We arrived bright and early to put up                                   us raise an incredible £1,388 with 60%
        banners and blow-up balloons that had   There were some fabulous fancy dress   going to Dementia UK and 40% to RVC
        been kindly provided by Dementia UK.   costumes on display while we played,   HC funds! The wonderful RVC Animal
        The match started at 8am, with players   with favourites including ketchup and   Care Trust also agreed to match the
        raring to go. Within the first hour there   mustard, an inflatable bathtub, Luigi   donations for the Club up to another
        had been so many goals we had to stop   from Mario Bros and Superwoman.   £500 and we are hugely grateful for this.
        keeping count!                      The 12-hour hockey playlist kept people   You can read more about how the RVC
                                            entertained in the harder hours during   Alumni Fund supports our students on
        We were absolutely spoilt for choice   the middle of the day, and a rendition of   page 68.
        with subs, as so many people were keen   Happy Birthday also rang out to celebrate
        to get on and play, so we had continuous   the baby of the club turning 19 – hope   With the Club funds, we intend to buy
        rolling subs throughout the day, where you   you enjoyed your cake, Shiebs.  a new captains board to be placed in
        could go on when you were ready and                                     the Buttery and be engraved with recent
        come off when you (inevitably) got tired. A   With 15 minutes left before the 8pm   Ladies 3rd XI captains’ names. The
        special mention must go to all those who   finish line, everyone joined the pitch   money will also go towards pitch hire
        came for the whole 12 hours, including   and dug deep to play for the last little   for training and matches, buying new
        Jackie and our other Camdeners, who   bit. The last goal of the day was scored   equipment, such as goalie kits, and will
        made the early trek to the Sports and   by George Robinson and it was quite   allow the club to put on more events
        Wellbeing Centre (SAWC) to be there for   a beauty indeed as he smacked it to   as needed. We would also like to thank
        the beginning of the day.           the back of the goal. As we counted   everyone involved with the planning of
                                            down the last 10 seconds, everyone   this event, such as the SAWC staff,
        The support throughout the day was
        incredible and we would have really   was still as committed and excited as   Estates team and Events team.
                                            at the beginning – although much more

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