Page 21 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 21 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 21

                                                                                             R E S EAR C H N EW S


        Finally, we’ve been able to better highlight   Since the launch of the new research   on the project with academic units and
        the work we do with our partners (such   section of the website earlier this year, it   RVC researchers.
        as the One Health Poultry Hub or WOAH   has seen an increase in visitors by 18%   If you’d like to check it out for yourself
        Collaborating Centre for Risk Analysis &   and increase in the average time spent on a   then visit: and
        Modelling). Working with a diverse range   page by 8%.                  search our interactive species map at:
        of stakeholders including policy-makers,   The research section website redesign
        social scientists and ethicists, is vital in   and build was coordinated by the RVC’s
        order for our research to have societal or   marketing department, who worked closely
        economic impact.

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