Page 2 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2022







Page 2 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2022
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             the  PE.  Cytology  is  commonly  performed   samples  in  multiple  formats  for  the  long
             on PE samples, but it is often difficult even   term,  the  biobank  would  facilitate  future
             for  specialist  pathologists  to  differentiate   research  projects.  New  techniques  could
             neoplastic from reactive mesothelial cells.   be  investigated,  for  example  the  use  of
              Preparation of a cell block from effusion   immunofluorescent  staining  of  the  cell
             samples has been evaluated for other body   blocks.
                                                  The team aims to investigate the use of
                                                 novel markers that could help differentiate
                                                 neoplastic  from  non-neoplastic  causes
                                                 of  PE.  For  example,  the  measurement  of
                                                 lactate  dehydrogenase  in  both  serum  and
                                                 PE samples has been evaluated in cases of
                                                 PE in humans. Lactate dehydrogenase has
                                                 been  evaluated  in  healthy  dogs  and  dogs
                                                 with  various  types  of  cancer  and  further
                                                 work is needed to determine if this could be
                                                 a useful test in dogs with PE.
                                                  Vascular   endothelial   growth   factor
                                                 is  another  biomarker  that  has  been
                                                 investigated  in  people  and  found  to  be   As PE fluid needs to be drained as part of
                                                 significantly higher in malignant pericardial   treatment, an excellent opportunity exists for
                                                 effusions  compared  to  non-malignant   samples to be collected and tested further
                                                 pericardial effusions, but this biomarker has
                                                 not been evaluated in PE from dogs.
                                                  The  biobank  and  laboratory  tests  are
                                                 being  funded  by  a  grant  from  the  RVC
                                                 Animal  Care  Trust.  Research  enabled  by
                                                 the biobank would greatly contribute to the
                                                 diagnosis of causes of PE in dogs, a field
                                                 in which there has been little advancement
              A patient having PE fluid drained at RVC Small   in recent years. The over-arching aims are
              Animal Referrals                   to  discover  and  translate  new  knowledge
                                                 into  clinical  practice,  while  providing  the
             cavity effusions and the results have been   best clinical care for the patients presenting
             found  to  correlate  well  with  tissue  biopsy   to the QMHA and to provide expert opinion
             samples.  Investigators  will  therefore  be   to  veterinary  practitioners  worldwide.
             evaluating  whether  these  samples  can   This  research  will  benefit  dogs  with  this
             be used to diagnose neoplastic causes of   condition and identification of a technique to
             effusion in a clinical scenario where tissue   differentiate  malignant  from  non-malignant
             biopsy is infrequently performed.   effusion would be of great benefit to owners
              By  providing  a  means  of  storing  these   also.                     The  QMHA  is  the  largest  and  most
                                                                                    advanced  small  animal  veterinary  hospital
                                                                                    in Europe and the RVC has an established
                                                                                    reputation  in  conducting  clinical  research
                                                                                    in  dogs  with  PE.  The  RVC’s  residents
                                                                                    (veterinary   specialists-in-training)   and
                                                                                    specialists are encouraged to explore and
                                                                                    pursue research ideas such as this biobank
                                                                                    alongside their clinical work.
                                                                                      RVC  researchers  are  keen  to  develop
                                                                                    collaborative  efforts  with  external  partners
                                                                                    using  these  samples.  Key  people  involve
                                                                                    include  Simon  Cook,  Nadine  Jones,
                                                                                    Emma  Holmes  and  Simon  Priestnall.
                                                                                    For  further  information  please  contact

                                                                                           For small animal referrals, please call:
                                                                                         01707 666399
              A dog with pericardial effusion being treated at the RVC                     Email:


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