Page 10 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2022







Page 10 - Clinical Connections - Autumn 2022
P. 10

             Production Animals


            Steph Prior, one of the RVC’s Senior Clinical Training Scholars (Residents), is based at Torch Vets, which
            spans Devon and Cornwall. The residencies are practice-based as much as possible to offer maximum
            exposure to a wide range of cases in areas of high cattle density. Steph told Clinical Connections about
            her residency experience.

              n  July  2020  I  started  a  new  European   Completing the residency within the RVC
              College  of  Bovine  Health  Management   team allows me access to the full support
            I (ECBHM)  residency  programme,  which   offered  residents,  including  a  journal  club,
            was established as a joint venture between   which helps to improve my analytical journal
            the  RVC  and  Torch  Farm  Vets  (a  large   reading as well as providing a good base for
            independent  practice  located  in  North   the ECBHM exams. The fortnightly journal
            Devon).                             club  also  includes  the  farm  interns,  who
              Before  this  I  had  worked  in  a  large   present cases that they’ve seen in practice
            commercial farm practice in the South West   for discussion by the wider RVC team, giving
            since  graduating  from  the  RVC  (in  July   us all a chance to consider a wide range of
            2015). I completed a Certificate in Advanced   clinical situations.
            Veterinary  Practice  with  the  University  of   As  well  as  mentoring  students  during
            Liverpool and a Postgraduate Certificate in   their placements with the Torch team, I also
            Veterinary Education at the RVC during my   regularly attend the Hawkshead Campus to
            first five years in practice – and was looking   help  with  the  farm  animal  husbandry  and
            for  a  new  challenge.  The  mix  of  clinical   handling  teaching  as  well  as  invigilating
            practice,  academic  study,  teaching  and   practical  exams.  Coming  onto  site  means
            research felt like a good challenge.    that I can feel part of both the RVC and Torch
                                                teams, despite not living physically close.
            Torch                                 The  RVC  resident  team  has  expanded
            Torch  Farm  Vets  has  a  strong  history  of   during  my  time  and  there  are  now  five
            working  with  the  RVC’s  farm  department.   ECBHM  residents  training  within  the
            The  practice  has  formed  tracking  options   College.  We  have  started  to  arrange
            for final year rotations students since 2017   meetings between the sites to allow for case   Steph on her residency
            and currently hosts up to 40 students each   presentation  and  farm  walks,  as  well  as
            year. Torch also hosts final year veterinary   social events to bring the team together.
            students from the University of Glasgow.   When I started, I was apprehensive about   Becoming a production animal resident
            Torch has hosted Interns from the RVC for   being  the  first  person  through  a  new   at the RVC
            several years, giving newly graduated vets a   programme  but  the  support  of  both  the
            strong introduction into farm clinical practice.   RVC and Torch Farm vets has made this a   The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ Production Animal Residencies
            The support given to their interns, enabling   success. I have really enjoyed learning new   are based at a number of settings and are
            them to balance their clinical and academic   skills and developing throughout the last two   open to vets holding a degree registrable
            requirements, made me feel that the practice   years.                    with  the  RCVS.  They  are  three-year
            would be well placed to support a residency.                             postgraduate   programmes   involving
            The practice is large, with over 20 full-time                            supervised  clinical  work  and  applied
            farm animal vets – in addition to TB Testers                             clinical research.
            and  Veterinary  Technicians  –  and  covers                               Residents receive specialised training in
            a  diverse  range  of  farming  enterprises.                             the relevant discipline and sit examinations
            This range of extensive beef production to                               for  membership  of  the  relevant  specialty
            intensive large scale dairy farming allows for                           boards. Residents are also be enrolled on
            a varied caseload.                                                       the  RVC  Master  of  Veterinary  Medicine
                                                                                     (MVetMed) programme.
            The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ
            The  academic  support  for  the  residency                                For more information, visit:
            comes  from  the  RVC  production  animal                          
            team.  I  have  a  primary  and  secondary                               residency
            supervisor who are both ECBHM diplomats.
            Regular meetings, either in person or online,
            allows  for  good  quality  case  discussion,
            which  improves  my  practice  and  supports   The ECBHM residents' training day, which     For small animal referrals, please call:
            my research interests.               took place in Madrid this year            01707 666399

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