- KM. Russell, J. Smith, A. Bremner, C. Chintoan-Uta, L. Vervelde, A. Psifidi & M. P. Stevens. “Transcriptomic analysis of caecal tissue in inbred chicken lines that exhibit heritable differences in resistance to Campylobacter jejuni”. BMC Genomics. 2021; 22: 411. doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-07748-2
- Anagnostopoulos, M. Barden., J. Tulloch, K. Williams, B. Griffiths, C. Bedford, M. Rudd, A. Psifidi, G. Banos, G. Oikonomou. “A study on the use of thermal imaging as a diagnostic tool for the detection of digital dermatitis in dairy cattle”. J Dairy Sci 2021 Jun 4;S0022-0302(21)00650-0. doi: 10.3168/jds.2021-20178
- LA. Seeker, SL. Underwood, RV. Wilbourn, J. Dorrens, R. Holland, JJ. Ilska, A. Psifidi, A. Bagnall, B. Whitelaw, MP. Coffey, G. Banos and DH. Nussey. (2021) “Telomere attrition rates are associated with weather conditions and predict productive lifespan in dairy cattle” Scientific Reports 11, 5589 (2021).
- A. Psifidi, A. Kranis, L.M. Rothwell, A. Bremner, K. Russell, D. Robledo, SJ. Bush, M. Fife, PM. Hocking, G. Banos, D.A. Hume, J. Kaufman, R.A. Bailey, S. Avendano, K.A. Watson, P. Kaiser, M.P. Stevens (2021) “Quantitative trait loci and transcriptome signatures associated with avian heritable resistance to Campylobacter” Scientific Reports 11, 1623 (2021).
- AL. Denyer, The Canine Diabetes Genetics Partnership*, B. Catchpole; LJ. Davison (2021) “Genetics of canine diabetes mellitus part 1: Phenotypes of disease” The Veterinary Journal DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2021.105611 *I am a member of The Canine Diabetes Genetics Partnership
- AL. Denyer, The Canine Diabetes Genetics Partnership*, B. Catchpole; LJ. Davison (2021) “Genetics of canine diabetes mellitus part 2: Current understanding and future directions” The Veterinary Journal 270(3):105612 DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2021.105612 *I am a member of The Canine Diabetes Genetics Partnership
- M.-H. Pinard-van der Laan, INRAE, France; J. Kaufman, University of Edinburgh and University of Cambridge, UK; A. Psifidi, ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ, UK; H. Zhou, University of California-Davis, USA; and M. Fife, Aviagen Ltd and The Pirbright Institute, UK (2020) Chapter: “Genetics and genomics of immunity and disease traits in poultry species”, in the book entitled : “Advances in poultry genetics and genomics” Ed. : S.E. Aggrey, H. Zhou, M. Tixier-Boichard, D.D. Rhoads Pub. : Burleigh Dodds series in agricultural science, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK published by the Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. Relevant link:
- G. Banos, V. Lindsay, T.T Desta., J. Bettridge., E. Sánchez-Molano., AV. Trujillo, O. Matika, D. Tadelle, P. Wigley, R. Christley, P. Kaiser, O. Hanotte, A. Psifidi. (2020) “Integrating genetic and genomic analyses of combined health data across ecotypes to 2 improve disease resistance in indigenous African chickens” Frontiers in Genetics DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2020.543890
- C. Chintoan-Uta, T. Wisedchanwet, L. Glendinning, A. Bremner, A. Psifidi, L. Vervelde, K. Watson, M. Watson, MP. Stevens. (2020) “Role of caecal microbiota in the differential resistance of inbred chicken lines to colonization by Campylobacter jejuni”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 10.1128/AEM.02607-19
- A. Psifidi, A. Kranis, L.M. Rothwell, A. Bremner, K. Russell, D. Robledo, SJ. Bush, M. Fife, PM. Hocking, G. Banos, D.A. Hume, J. Kaufman, R.A. Bailey, S. Avendano, K.A. Watson, P. Kaiser, M.P. Stevens (2020) "Genetic control of Campylobacter colonisation in broiler chickens: genomic and transcriptomic characterisation". bioRxiv 2020.04.14.040832; doi:
- L. Freem, KM. Summers , A. Gheyas, A. Psifidi, K. Boulton, A. McCallum, J. O'Dell, SJ. Bush and D. Hume. (2019) “Analysis of the progeny of sibling matings reveals regulatory variation impacting the transcriptome of immune cells in commercial chickens”, Frontiers in Genetics DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.01032.
- JJ. Ilska-Warner*, A. Psifidi*, LA. Seeker, RV. Wilbourn, SL. Underwood, J. Fairlie, B. Whitelaw, DH. Nussey, MP. Coffey, G. Banos (2019) “The genetic architecture of bovine telomere length in early-life and association with animal fitness” Frontiers in Genetics https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2019.0104 *equally contributing first authors
- G. Banos, EL. Clark, SJ. Bush, P. Dutta, G. Bramis, G. Arsenos, DA. Hume and A. Psifidi (2019) “Genetic and genomic analyses underpin the feasibility of concomitant genetic improvement of milk yield and mastitis resistance in dairy sheep”. PLoS One; 14(11): e0214346. 10.1371/journal.pone.0214346
- AT. Hinsu, RJ. Pandit, SH. Patel, A. Psifidi, FM. Tomley, SK. Das, DP. Blake, CG. Joshi. (2019). Genome reconstruction of a novel carbohydrate digesting bacterium from the chicken caecal microflora. Meta Gene 20 (2019)100543
- K. Boulton, MJ. Nolan, Z. Wu, V. Riggio, O. Matika, K. Harman, PM. Hocking, N. Bumstead, P. Hesketh, A. Archer, SC. Bishop, P. Kaiser, FM. Tomley, DA. Hume, AL. Smith, DP. Blake, A. Psifidi. 2018. “Dissecting the Genomic Architecture of Resistance to Eimeria maxima Parasitism in the Chicken”. Frontiers in Genetics;9:528. doi: 10 .3389/fgene.2018.00528. eCollection 2018
- K. Boulton, MJ. Nolan, Z. Wu, A. Psifidi, V. Riggio, K. Harman, SC. Bishop, P. Kaiser, MS. Abrahamsen, R. Hawken, KA. Watson, FM. Tomley, DP. Blake, D. Hume. 2018. “Phenotypic and genetic variation in the response of chickens to Eimeria tenella induced coccidiosis”. Genet Sel Evol. 2018;50(1):63. doi: 10.1186/s12711-018-0433-7.
- A. Psifidi, K.M. Russell, O. Matika, E. Sánchez-Molano, P. Wigley, J.E. Fulton, M.P. Stevens, M. Fife. 2018. “The genomic architecture of fowl typhoid resistance in commercial layers”. Frontiers in Genetics |
- J.M Bettridge, A. Psifidi, Z.G. Zerfa, T.T Desta, M. Lozano-Jaramillo, T. Dessie, P. Kaiser, P. Wigley, O. Hanotte, R.M. Christley. 2018 “The role of local adaptation in sustainable production of village chickens” Nature Sustainability-1574-582. 2018
- R. Pandit, A.T. Hinsu, N.V. Patel, P.G. Koringa, S.J. Jakhesara; J.R. Thakkar; T.M. Shah, G. Limon, A. Psifidi, J. Guitian, D.A. Hume, F.M. Tomley, D.N. Rank, M. Raman, Tirumurugaan K G, D.P. Blake, C.G. Joshi. 2018. “Microbial diversity and community composition of caecal microbiota in commercial and indigenous Indian chickens determined using 16s rDNA amplicon sequencing” Microbiome20186:115 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-018-0501
- AT. Hinsu, JR. Thakkar, PG. Koringa, V. Vrba, SJ Jakhesara, A. Psifidi, J. Guitian, FM. Tomley, DN. Rank, M. Raman, CG. Joshi, DP. Blake. 2018. “Illumina next generation sequencing for the analysis of Eimeria populations in commercial broilers and indigenous chickens”. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 5:176. PMID: 30105228.
- RA. Bailey, A. Kranis, A. Psifidi, L. Rothwell, P. Hocking, KA. Watson, P. Kaiser, MP. Stevens, S. Avendano. 2018. “Genetic basis of Campylobacter colonisation in the broiler chicken and its impact on intestinal health following natural field exposure” Poultry Science, pey295,
- S.J. Bush, L. Freem, A.J. MacCallum, J. O’Dell, C. Wu, C. Afrasiabi, A. Psifidi, M.P. Stevens, J. Smith, K.M. Summers, D.A. Hume. 2018. “Combination of novel and public RNA-seq datasets to generate an mRNA expression atlas for the domestic chicken” (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/04/05/295535, BMC Genomics DOI
- J. Ioannidis, E. Sánchez-Molano, A. Psifidi, F. X. Donadeu and G. Banos. 2018. “Association of plasma microRNA expression with age, genetic background and functional traits in dairy cattle” Scientific Reports, 8(1), 12955.
- L. Seeker, J. Ilska, A. Psifidi, R. Wilbourn, S. Underwood, J. Fairlie, R. Holland, H. Froy, E. Salvo-Chirnside, A. Bagnall, B. Whitelaw, M. Coffey, D. Nussey, G. Banos. 2018. "Bovine telomere dynamics and the association between telomere length and productive lifespan" Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 12748 (2018)
- R.J. Pandit, A.T. Hinsu, S.H. Patel, S.J. Jakhesara, P.G. Koringa, F. Bruno, A. Psifidi, S.V. Shah, C.G. Joshi. 2018."Microbiota composition, gene pool and its expression in Gir cattle (Bos indicus) rumen under different forage diet using metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approach" Systematic and Applied Microbiology-
- L.A. Seeker, J.J. Ilska, A. Psifidi, R.V. Wilbourn, S.L. Underwood, J. Fairlie, R. Holland, H. Froy, A. Bagnall, B. Whitelaw, M. Coffey, D.H. Nussey, G. Banos. 2018. "Longitudinal changes in telomere length and associated genetic parameters in dairy cattle analysed using random regression models" PLos One –
- A. Psifidi, M. Crotta, RJ. Pandit, B. Fosso, PG. Koringa, G Limon, K. Boulton, G. Banos, J Guitian, FM. Tomley, DN. Rank, CG. Joshi, D. Hume, DP. Blake. 2018. “Identification of SNP markers affecting gut microbiome composition in chicken”. Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland, New Zealand
- J.J. Ilska*, A. Psifidi*, L.A. Seeker, B. Whitelaw, M. Coffey, D. Nussey, G. Banos. 2018. “Genetic background of early life telomere length and association with dairy cow longevity”. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland, New Zealand (* equally contributed first authors)
- G. Banos, G. Bramis, S.J. Bush, E.L. Clark, M.B. McCulloch, J. Smith, G. Schulze, G. Arsenos, D.A. Hume, A. Psifidi. 2017. “The genomic architecture of mastitis resistance in dairy sheep” BMC Genomics 18:624 doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3982-1.
- D. Miltiadou, A.L. Hager-Theodorides, S. Symeou, C. Constantinou, A. Psifidi, G. Banos, O. Tzamaloukas. 2017. “Variants in the 3'UTR of the ovine Acetyl-Coenzyme A Acyltransferase 2 gene are associated with dairy traits and exhibit differential allelic expression”. Journal of Dairy Science 100:8:6285-6297.
- A. Psifidi, M. Fife, O. Matika, K. Boulton, G. Banos, D. Blake, DA. Hume, MP. Stevens, P. Kaiser. 2017. “Mapping disease resistance in poultry”. Invited speech, Proceedings of the 10th European Symposium of Poultry Genetics, 26th-28th June, St Malo, France
- L.A. Seeker, R. Holland, S. Underwood, J. Fairlie, A. Psifidi, J.J. Ilska, A. Bagnall, B. Whitelaw, M. Coffey, G. Banos and D.H. Nussey. 2016. “Method specific calibration corrects for DNA extraction method effects on relative telomere length measurements by quantitative PCR” PLos One -
- A. Psifidi, G. Banos, O. Matika, T.T. Desta, J. Bettridge, D.A. Hume, D. Tadelle, R. Christley, P. Wigley, O. Hanotte and P. Kaiser. 2016. “Genome-wide association studies of immune, disease and productivity traits in indigenous chicken ecotypes” Genetic Selection Evolution 48:74 DOI: 10.1186/s12711-016-0252-7
- A. Psifidi, M. Fife, J. Howell, O. Matika, P. M. van Diemen, R. Kuo, J. Smith, P.M. Hocking, N. Salmon, M.A. Jones, D.A. Hume, G. Banos, M.P. Stevens and P. Kaiser. 2016. “The genomic architecture of resistance to Campylobacter jejuni intestinal colonisation in chickens” BMC Genomics 201617:293, DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2612-7
- A. Psifidi, C.I. Dovas, G. Bramis, T. Lazou, C.L. Russel, G. Arsenos and G. Banos. 2015. “Comparison of eleven methods for genomic DNA extraction suitable for large-scale whole-genome genotyping and long-term DNA banking using blood samples” PLoS ONE 10(1): e0115960. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115960.
- A. Psifidi, G. Bramis, G. Arsenos and G. Banos. 2014. “Genetic Parameters and Genomic Markers Associated with Mastitis Resistance in Dairy Sheep” Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver BC, Canada, 521
- A. Psifidi, G. Banos, O. Matika, T. Dessie, R. Christley, P. Wigley, J. Bettridge, O. Hanotte, T. Desta and P. Kaiser. 2014. “Identification of SNP Markers for Resistance to Salmonella and IBDV in Indigenous Ethiopian Chickens” Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver BC, Canada, 321.
- A. Psifidi, C.I. Dovas, K. Efthimiou and G. Banos. 2013. “PRNP genotyping in dairy sheep flocks: A sampling strategy for application in breeding programmes for scrapie eradication" Small Ruminant Research 113:335-339.
- A.I. Gelasakis, G. Arsenos, J. Hickford, H. Zhou H., A. Psifidi, G.E. Valergakis and G. Banos. 2013. “Polymorphism of the MHC-DQA2 gene in the Chios dairy sheep population and its association with footrot” Livestock Science http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2013.02.011i
- A. Psifidi, Z. Basdagianni, C.I. Dovas, G. Arsenos, E. Sinapis, M. Papanastassopoulou and G. Banos. 2011. “Characterisation of the PRNP gene locus in Chios dairy sheep and its association with milk production and reproduction traits” Animal Genetics 42:406-414.
- A. Psifidi, C.I. Dovas and G. Banos. 2011. “Novel quantitative real-time LCR for the sensitive detection of SNP frequencies in pooled DNA: Method development, evaluation and application” PLoS ONE 6(1): e14560. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014560.
- A. Psifidi, C.I. Dovas, G. Arsenos, M. Papanastassopoulou, Z. Basdagianni and G. Banos. 2010. “Detection and Quantification of PrP Alleles Based on Flock Bulk Milk of Dairy Ewes Using Gap-A Ligase Chain Reaction“. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, CD-ROM communication 0086. Leipzig, Germany.
- A.I. Gelasakis, G. Arsenos, J.G. Hickford, A. Psifidi, H. Zhou and G. Banos. 2010. “Polymorphism of the DQA2 gene in the Chios Dairy sheep population and its association with footrot“. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, CD-ROM communication 0631. Leipzig, Germany.
- A. Psifidi, C.I. Dovas and G. Banos. 2010. “A comparison of six methods for genomic DNA extraction suitable for PCR-based genotyping applications using ovine milk samples” Molecular and Cellular Probes 24:93-98.
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