In and amongst all the science and medicine that are at the centre of veterinary practice, it is essential that we don't overlook the overarching principles and considerations relating to Ethics and Animal Welfare. After all, they have to be a guiding light for what we do in clinical practice. This is the second in a two-part mini-series of podcast episodes featuring Martin Whiting, Lecturer in Veterinary Ethics and Law here at the RVC. In these episodes we discuss a variety of topics and issues. We start with discussing what 'veterinary ethics' and 'animal welfare' mean and then spend the remainder of the time seeing how these concepts apply to a variety of small animal clinical scenarios. The podcasts end with some comments on professional ethics in the context of regulatory bodies.

If you haven't listened to Part 1, we would recommend you do this before listening to this second episode.

As always, if you have any comments about this podcast, please get in touch (email sjasani@rvc.ac.uk ; tweet @RoyalVetCollege using #saclinpod; or use the RVC's Facebook page).

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