It is that time of the year when many people are winding down for the holidays though often in our professional team the work not only continues though often gets busier. Joining Brian and myself in the studio we are joined by Ruth Serlin a lecturer here at the RVC in Veterinary Professionalism. We take a windy road in our discussion about looking after yourself and your team during this time. We also discuss an approach to euthanasia, pet bereavement and certain aspects of communication. There are certainly a few sensitive topics in this podcast, though something that all our veterinary teams have to manage daily. However, if you are struggling at this time of year, or any time of year please contact Vetlife, the Samaritans or other charity organisation helplines. We hope that you manage to have some down time during this holiday period and are looking forward to the New Year. Happy holidays, look after yourself and each other.

Vetlife:  Tel(UK):0303 040 2551

Samaritans:  Tel(UK): 116 123 Tel(USA): 1 (800) 273-TALK

 Tel(Aus) 135 247

 Tel(NZ) 0800 726 666

Resources in the USA: 

Some websites of interest in relation to pet bereavement:

If you have any comments about this podcast, plese get in touch: email dbarfield@rvc.ac.uk; tweet . We would greatly appreciate your time to rate us on Apple podcast or Acast and kindly write us a review.

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