Linkou Scholarships

Mrs Bastable really wanted to train as a veterinary surgeon in the 1930s but had not been allowed to do so. Therefore, she wanted a young person to have the opportunity she was denied. Her bequest set up new scholarships called the 'Linkou Scholarships', named after her favourite Pekingese dog.

Level: Undergraduate
Course: Veterinary Medicine, one of whom completed the Gateway year and will be entering BVetMed year-one
Country: UK
Value: £5,000 a year for each year of the course
No. of awards: Two new awardees each year


To ensure we provide support to offer holders from underrepresented backgrounds, we use contextual information from the UCAS application as a part of the awarding process. The following information is considered: 

  • Whether the applicant is from a low participation neighbourhood, using HEFCE POLAR 4 and Index of Multiple Deprivation data.
  • Whether the applicant is a care leaver (this must have been declared on the UCAS application to be considered).
  • Whether the applicant has received Free School Meals (this must have been declared on the UCAS application to be considered).
  • Whether the applicant is a refugee (this must have been declared on the UCAS application to be considered).
  • Whether the applicant has a disability (this must have been declared on the UCAS application to be considered).
  • Whether the applicant is the first in their family to attend Higher Education, not including siblings (this must have been declared on the UCAS application to be considered).
  • Whether the applicant has attended a school/college at level 2 and at level 3 that the RVC has determined is a contextual school.

Priority is given to those meeting multiple contextual markers. This data is combined with your score from the interview process and one scholarship will be offered to the candidate with the highest combined score once all offers have been processed and before the UCAS decision deadline, usually in May. A further scholarship will be offered to the top performer on the current Gateway year once results have been released, usually in July.

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International Scholarship

Level: Undergraduate
Course: Veterinary Medicine
Country: International (not UK)
Value: Full fee waiver
No. of awards: One new awardee each year

In March the highest interview performers from overseas who are also predicted to meet the academic requirements for the course are identified and asked to submit a supporting statement for why they deserve the scholarship. A shortlist is sent to a reviewing panel who score the applications and the scholarship will be awarded before the April VMCAS deadline.

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