Page 20 - International 2025-26







Page 20 - International 2025-26
P. 20


        We have been delivering                               Veterinary medicine is a strand-based course that

        exceptional training in                               follows a ‘spiral’ curriculum. This means that key
                                                              concepts are presented repeatedly to you as you
        veterinary medicine for                               progress through the course, at deepening levels of
                                                              complexity and in different contexts.
        over 233 years, and
                                                              The progression of knowledge and understanding from
        our clinical facilities                               pre-clinical basic concepts to clinical and professional
                                                              knowledge and reasoning skills is achieved by revisits
        are second-to-none.                                   to each strand at different stages of the course. For

                                                              example, when learning about the kidney, you will learn
        You will benefit from an                              basic anatomy and physiology during the preclinical

        outstanding learning                                  phase of the course and learn about the common
                                                              diseases of the kidney and how they are diagnosed
        environment and graduate                              and treated during the clinical phase. This is then
                                                              enriched by working with animal patients presented
        ready to make a real                                  with kidney disease in our first-opinion and referral
                                                              hospitals, or other practices, during clinical rotations
        difference in the                                     and extra-mural placements.

        veterinary profession.

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