Page 38 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 38 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 38

Hawkshead Hobble 2023

        Yan Phu and Hannah Slater

              he Hawkshead Hobble cross     collaborative experiences for marginalised   both race directors had never attended
              country race was held on the   and disadvantaged students. This has   previous Hobble events. Feeling as
              21st May. Organised by the RVC   mainly been achieved through running –    though they were starting from scratch,
        TTriathlon & Athletics Club, the    a sport allowing both boys and girls to   they wanted to do much research as
        event saw 89 runners complete both 5km   take part on an equal footing.   possible. Recognition and thanks must
        and 10km races, ranging from current   So far, the project has engaged over 200   be given to RVC Triathlon & Athletics
        RVC students, parents of students, RVC   students, whilst donations have allowed   Club alumni for their help and guidance
        alumni and local running clubs.                                         at this stage! There was considerable
                                            for the distribution of over 190 pairs
        It was our aim to raise money for the   of running trainers affordably to pupils,   planning throughout, and obtaining
                                                                                permissions from the Council and various
        Right2Run project, an initiative partnering   bolstering the wellbeing of students in   bodies, which was not an easy task as it
        with the Right4Children charity. Their   and outside the classroom.     was the first race since 2020.
        mission to develop sports and play in   Preparations for the race began in
        government schools in the Kaski region   October 2022. Due to COVID-19,   The day before the Hobble saw our race
        of Nepal has opened opportunities and                                   directors and some volunteers marking

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