Page 50 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 50 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 50

RVC authors publish first

        book dedicated to welfare

        improvement in brachycephalic

        companion animals

                                                                                of published literature that has been
               rachycephalic companion      Much of what is believed about      thoughtfully assembled and interpreted
               animals are facing a huge health   brachycephalic animals is based on   by experts. The book will challenge
               and welfare crisis. Dogs, in   opinion rather than good evidence.   veterinary professionals to think about
       Bparticular, are suffering from a    And the issue with opinions is that   the ethics and welfare of brachycephaly
        ‘perfect storm’ right now from intrinsic   everyone holds one. The availability   and how best to communicate with
        conformation-related predispositions   of a single robust and comprehensive   current and potential owners of
        to several health issues that are being   evidence-based resource aims to   brachycephalic animals. More than this,
        amplified by the extrinsic population   progress the conversation from arguing   the book aims to influence the attitudes
        boom for certain breeds, such as the   about opinions to instead focus on how   of the next generation of veterinary
        French bulldog and pug.             we address the many issues facing   surgeons and nurses to shape their
                                            brachycephalic animals.
        But yet, for many owners, these dogs                                    knowledge and understanding of these
        represent the perfect companion:    With one-fifth of all UK dogs currently   complex issues.
        endearing personas and looks that   brachycephalic, and with increasing   Dr Dan O’Neill, Senior Lecturer in
        are wrapped up in a socially desirable   proportions of cats, rabbits and   Companion Animal Epidemiology at
        package. But where is the truth here?   horses also being bred towards the   the RVC and editor of the book said,
        How can we both love the look of flat-  brachycephalic conformation, the   “the ever-increasing popularity of dogs,
        faced dogs and yet accept that this look   welfare issues from brachycephaly are   cats and rabbits with brachycephaly is
        is associated with huge welfare issues?   huge. But so is the complexity; with over   testament to the appeal to humans for
        What is the evidence on the main health   a hundred years of breeding invested   the flat-faced look in animals. But how
        issues of flat-faced dogs? What are   in achieving this look in dogs, flat-faced   may humans ever think about what it
        we doing nationally and internationally   dogs have become part of our national   feels like to live a flat-faced life? This
        to help reduce the welfare impact from   and personal histories.        book provides the evidence on the
        brachycephaly in dogs? Should humans                                    many faces of living a flat-faced life
        even own flat-faced animals?        To deal with this complexity, the book   and may just change your outlook on
                                            is presented in two clear sections. The
        Undaunted by the myriads of questions   first part explores the human aspects of   brachycephaly forever.”
        and issues related to brachycephaly, two   brachycephaly in animals to provide the   Dr Rowena Packer, Lecturer in
        intrepid RVC researchers, Dr Rowena   context for how and why we are in this   Companion Animal Behaviour and
        Packer (who joined the RVC as a PhD   crisis, with chapters on social (history,   Welfare Science at the RVC and editor
        student) and Dr Dan O’Neill (who also   ethics, communication) and scientific   of the book said, “we hope this book
        came to the RVC as a postgraduate   aspect (e.g. genetics, epidemiology,   helps veterinary and animal professionals
        student), set out to compile a single   disorders). The second part is more   globally, who are faced with the often-
        resource to answer these questions.   clinical and covers the background,   challenging task of protecting the
        Their new book, Health and Welfare of   diagnosis, treatment and prevention of   welfare of brachycephalic animals. Most
        Brachycephalic (Flat-faced) Companion   the many unique healthcare needs of   importantly, we hope this book is another
        Animals: A Complete Guide for       brachycephalic animals.             step towards improving the lives of so
        Veterinary and Animal Professionals,   This book aims to change how     many animals who have been impaired by
        includes contributions from 29      veterinary care is delivered to     the body shape they have been bred for.”
        internationally recognised experts to   brachycephalic companion animals
        offer truly international perspectives on   by providing a solid evidence base   The book can be purchased here:
        these issues.                                                 
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