Page 33 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 33 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 33


 MOVERS AND SHAKERS  Emeritus Professor Colin Burrows recognised

        for service to the global veterinary profession

                                            the University of Pennsylvania in 1980   vet schools in the world… I know you
                                            and joined the University of Florida   will do all you can to make the world a
                                            in 1980. A board-certified veterinary   better place, in the end, however, please
                                            internist, his specialty was the study   ask yourselves ‘did I make a difference’
                                            of canine and feline gastrointestinal,   because that is what it is all about...
                                            hepatic and pancreatic disease.     good luck to you all and Godspeed.”
                                            Professor Burrows has always        During the ceremony, Jill Maddison
                                            maintained a global outlook – he    commented: “Colin is a proud alumnus
                                            was Program Coordinator of the      of the RVC from the mid 60’s in a
                                            North American Veterinary Conference   radically new programme that had
                                            (NAVC) between 1984 and 2002,       reduced from six years to four and a half
                                            becoming its Chief Executive that year.   years and with a much larger increase of
                                            He later became Emeritus Editor in   women on the course from four to ten.”
                                            Chief of Clinician’s Brief, the World   Professor Burrows was President of the
                                            Small Animal Veterinary Association’s   WSAVA between 2013 and 2016 and a
                                            (WSAVA) official practice journal, and   member of its Executive Board for many
                                            Editor in Chief of its Global Edition. He   years. Current WSAVA President Dr
                                            is also passionate about education, not   Siraya Chunekamrai said: “Dr Burrows
                                            only for veterinary students but also   has made an immeasurable contribution
         Emeritus Professor Colin Burrows   for veterinary practitioners, particularly   to the WSAVA, as he has to the many
                                            those in countries in which companion   veterinary associations he has freely
                                            animal practice is still emerging.
               rofessor Colin Burrows has                                       given his time to during his distinguished
               been awarded an honorary     Receiving his honorary doctorate during   career. We count ourselves very lucky
               doctorate from the RVC, in   our online Graduation ceremony in July   and congratulate him on this well-
       Precognition of his service to       this year, Professor Burrows passed   deserved honorary doctorate.”
        the veterinary profession globally.  on his wishes to our new graduates,   Extracts from WSAVA’s press release,
                                            saying: “Hearty congratulations to all
        Professor Burrows, who graduated    the new graduates who have received a   August 2021
        from the RVC in 1969, received a PhD   superb education from one of the best
        in comparative medical sciences from

        Leading 27 partner institutions     Throughout her career, Professor    Professor Wood is the Head of
        across 10 countries, as well as more   Tomley has secured more than £40m   Department of Veterinary Medicine
        than 200 researchers, Fiona’s work   of grant funding for both the RVC and   at University of Cambridge and his
        focuses on ways in which safer and   other partners and has published over   research focuses on zoonoses and in
        more sustainable chicken meat and   140 scientific papers, most recently   particular bovine tuberculosis in the UK,
        egg production can be supported,    including Communications Biology,   Ethiopia and India, and its impact on
        particularly in South and Southeast   International Journal of Parasitology,   milk-producing cattle and buffalo. His
        Asia. These collaborative efforts – using  and Indian Journal of Medical Research.  work also focuses on wildlife-associated
        disciplines spanning social, veterinary,                                emerging viral infections in sub-Saharan
        medical, biological and computational                                   Africa, particularly Ghana. Professor
        sciences – enable the Hub team to   PROFESSOR JAMES WOOD                Wood is on Defra’s Science Advisory
        track the movements of chicken and   (BVETMED, 1988)                    Council and he is a Fellow of the RCVS.
        people, collect samples, generate   We also wish to congratulate RVC    Congratulations Fiona and James!
        knowledge on the behaviours and     alumnus Professor James Wood for
        systems that are most risky for the   being awarded Officer of the Order of
        emergence and spread of zoonotic    the British Empire (OBE) for services to
        diseases and antimicrobial resistance,   Veterinary Science.
        and target intervention strategies that
        reduce the impact on people.

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