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 The Preventive Vet
Jason C. Nicholas (2004 BVetMed)
 When I graduated from the RVC in 2004, I couldn’t have possibly imagined where my education and experiences at college would have taken me.
After graduation, I worked two years
in a busy GP/ER practice in suburban Philadelphia, prior to moving to New York City for my internship at the Animal Medical Center. After that, I spent some time in private practice emergency before relocating across the country to Portland, Oregon, to begin a residency in emergency and critical care. Life was humming along.
But then I realised what had clearly been speaking softly in the back of my mind since those early days of practice and had followed me into my residency – that much of what comes into the ER can either be prevented, or recognised and acted upon sooner, and spreading the awareness necessary to do this would be the best way for me to help as many pets, people, and other vets as possible. What could be better than that?
That epiphany reignited the ‘entrepreneurial bug’ that had first bitten me during my entrepreneurship elective at the RVC in 2003... and Preventive Vet was born.
After an initial (unsuccessful) angle of in-home pet proofing, I reassessed and pivoted. I knew that what was most needed to help pet owners prevent and more quickly recognise problems was reliable, understandable, and actionable education and awareness.
Vets possess such knowledge, but not the time or resources to create and deliver all of the education and awareness that their pet-owning clients need. There are pet- related websites popping up seemingly every day, but much of what’s out there isn’t always (or even often) reliable and
accurate, and some of it is downright dangerous. I made it my mission to change that, I made it my mission to give ‘Dr Google’ a vet degree and to create trustworthy tools and resources that veterinary teams could use to help educate and bond their clients.
Preventive Vet has now grown into a team of vets, trainers, writers, and other pet lovers to create and deliver the education and awareness that helps pet owners take the best care possible of their pets and have the best relationship with their vet. So far we’ve published our first three titles in our 101 Essential Pet Tips client education book series, launched multiple Pet Safety Awareness campaigns, promoted pet health and safety on several TV news shows, and written hundreds of articles. All of which have helped countless pets, pet owners, and vets. And we’re just getting started!
While I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is was about my time and education at the RVC that helped me do what I’ve done, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the RVC experience has played a significant role. And for that, I’ll be forever thankful.
Want to know more about Preventive Vet and see/purchase the books? Visit www.PreventiveVet.com/4vets
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