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                  Celebrating achievements of both RVC staff and alumni at the BSAVA Congress 2019
The BSAVA awards recognise outstanding contributions in the field of small animal veterinary practice and give professionals the recognition they deserve. Congratulations to RVC staff Dr Dan O’Neill and Professor Jonathan Elliott on achieving the following awards.
The Blaine Award
sponsored by Royal Canin
This award was presented for contributions to the advancement of small animal science in its widest context by a qualified veterinarian.
Awarded to Dr Dan O’Neill MVB BSc(hons) GPCert(SAP) GPCert(FelP) GPCert(Derm) GPCert(B&PS) MSc(VetEpi) PhD FRCV
Dan is a Senior Lecturer in Companion Animal Epidemiology at the RVC, as well as being an RVC alumnus, completing an MSc (2010) and a PhD (2014) in veterinary epidemiology to develop VetCompassTM. Dan chairs the Brachycephalic Working Group, which you can read more about on page 22.
The Woodrow Award
This award was presented for contributions to the advancement of small animal medicine by a qualified veterinarian.
Awarded to Professor Jonathan Elliot MA VetMB PhD CertSAC DipECVPT MRCVS FHEA Jonathan is the Vice Principal
for Research and Innovation at the RVC.
  We would also like to congratulate some RVC alumni who were recipients of the following awards:
The Amoroso Award sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition
This award was instituted in memory
of the late Professor EC Amoroso of
the RVC. Professor Emmanuel Cyprian Amoroso, known as ‘Amo’, was appointed as Professor of Physiology at the RVC
in 1947. His career at the RVC began in 1934 as a senior assistant in charge of histology and embryology. He retired in 1968. His work on placentation earned him FRS amongst many other honours. He died in October 1982. This award is presented for outstanding contributions to small animal studies by a non-clinical member of university staff.
Awarded to Catriona Bell BVetMed PhD PGCAP PFHEA NTF MRCVS (1995)
The Dunkin
This award was presented to the author(s) of the best published paper on
small animal medicine in the Journal of Small Animal Practice during the 12 months ending 30th September. For 2019, the Dunkin Award has been shared between two authors of the paper: ‘Rapid assessment with physical examination in dyspnoeic cats: the RAPID CAT study’.
RVC alumnus award winner is Dave Dickson BVetMed DVC MRCVS (2004)
The PetSavers Award sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition
This award was presented for contributions to clinical aspects of small animal practice in its widest context
by a qualified veterinarian – to include non-peer reviewed writing, educating, promoting practice, speaking etc. on any aspects of medicine and surgery.
Awarded to Molly Varga BVetMed DZooMed MRCVS (1992)
Photos: BSAVA and Paul Clarke Photography
    You can read more about these awards and individuals at

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