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                  VetEd 2019 – International Symposium of the Veterinary Schools’ Council
This summer, the RVC hosted the International Symposium of the Veterinary Schools Council, a friendly, informative and interactive conference known –as ‘VetEd’. The event took place from 3rd-5th July.
The inaugural VetEd symposium was held at the RVC’s Hawkshead Campus back in 2009, so this year marked the 10-year celebration, and it was fitting for the RVC to have the pleasure to host the symposium again.
This year, due to the extensive building works across the RVC, it was held at Rothamsted Research, in their purpose- built conference centre in Harpenden.
It was chaired by Ayona Silva-Fletcher, Professor of Veterinary Education, who is based at the RVC’s Lifelong Independent Veterinary Education (LIVE) Centre.
More than 200 delegates attended from over 20 countries, which demonstrates a significant growth since the first conference where a select group of 62 from ten countries participated.
There were six pre-conference workshops, which offered delegates the chance to immerse themselves in topics such as developing professional identity, assessing students’ practical skills, communication skills and postgraduate clinical training. Within the main conference, four streams ran throughout the two days with options of workshops, short communications and poster sessions.
Four excellent plenary sessions explored the benefits of testing for learning, how to empower the iGeneration, mental health and wellbeing, and matching
science teaching to society’s needs. There was also time for socialising and some fun, and many delegates showed their skills at country dancing!
For more information on the
VetEd 2019 conference, please visit www.veted2019.info
At the end of the conference, we handed over the baton to the University of Surrey to host VetEd 2020. The conference
will be open to all educators, students and professionals within the veterinary field who have an interest in education. More information will be provided on
the Veterinary Schools Council VetEd website in due course: https://vetedsymposium.org/

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