Emergency contact: 01707 666399
Making a referral
Vets can refer cases by phone or via the online Referral Form, though for urgent and emergency cases please phone.
If you are referring a dog that has been imported to the UK or travelled to an area where Brucella canis is considered endemic please read this information.
Our Emergency Referrals Service is in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is staffed by a large team of vets and specialist nurses, who provide acute care.
Non-emergency referrals
Our dedicated phone number for referring vets is 01707 666399 (option 2).
You can also make a scheduled (non-emergency) referral by submitting a Standard Form. Once the completed form has been received we will make the appointment directly with the client and email the referring vets the details.
For general enquiries qmhreception@rvc.ac.uk
Referring vets are kept up-to-date with case progress by phone as required and on discharge a detailed case report will be provided. Hospitalised patients are continuously monitored and any changes are discussed with clients daily.
Making a referral for small mammals and exotic pets
Our specialist Exotics and Small Mammals referral service is based at our Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital (BSAH) in Camden.Please call the BSAH directly on 020 7387 8134 (8am-7pm Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Saturday excluding bank holidays). For any non-urgent queries, our email address is exoticscamden@rvc.ac.uk.
Data Protection
See Information and Data Processing at the RVC - a Guide for Veterinary Practices for information on your and our responsibilities to protect your client's personal data.
Pet owners
If you are an animal owner and would like your pet to be referred for investigation or treatment you will have go through your local vet.