56 Rowena

Author: Dominic Barfield
Duration: 00:59:16
For Episode 56 we talk to Dr Rowena Packer who is a BBSRC Research Fellow here at the RVC.
We discuss what led her interest in perusing animal welfare science, and how she came to do her PhD at the RVC and what this has led to along the way. Her research into breed confirmation and why people might choose those breeds is on-going and fascinating. She has now moved into looking at canine epilepsy and behavioural co-morbidities.
We hope that you enjoy listening to our conversation as much as we enjoyed recording it, inspiring, interesting and informative. To find out more about Rowena’s work use the following link /about/our-people/rowena-packer For more information about the Big Brainy Border Collie Study please follow this link /research/research-centres-and-facilities/clinical-investigation-centre/projects/the-big-brainy-border-collie-study-investigating-brain-structure-function-and-behaviour-in-border-collies-with-and-without-idiopathic-epilepsy If you have any comments about this podcast, please get in touch: email dbarfield@rvc.ac.uk; tweet @dombarfield. We would greatly appreciate your time to rate us on Apple podcast or Acast and kindly write us a review.