Mrs Kirsty Fox
Department: Clinical Science and Services
Campus: Hawkshead
Research Groups: Pedagogy
Kirsty is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Veterinary Education.
Kirsty completed a BSc (Hons) in Geography at the University of Dundee and obtained an MSc in Coastal Science and Management at the University of Hull.
Kirsty worked at the University of Plymouth as a research and development officer, investigating learning across various scientific disciplines. She also gained MSc qualifications in educational research modules which have enabled her to provide students with support and guidance on how to appropriately use these methods in a research environment.
Kirsty joined the RVC in 2009 as a Researcher at the LIVE centre on the , which led her to explore the role of educational technologies in supporting and preparing students for the workplace. She was awarded funding for a mini-project to develop a flexible learning resource for final-year veterinary and nursing students,
Kirsty then worked as the Senior Developer in Distance Learning and Veterinary Education for the MSc in Veterinary Education course from 2012 - 2019; she designed and developed online content for the modules on Moodle, providing Certificate and Diploma teaching on online and onsite educational workshops. She is also a module leader, course tutor, and internal examiner on the course.
Kirsty currently is a Senior Teaching Fellow in the MSc Veterinary Education. She leads the PG Diploma in Veterinary Education and is the Deputy leader of the MSc Research Project. She is a Module leader on Small Group Teaching, Technology Supported Learning and Teaching, Assessment, Feedback and Learning, and Educational Research Methods.
Previous and ongoing research focuses on veterinary education, with a special interest in social presence and connectedness in online learning.
Davis, R, Fox, K & Armitage-Chan, E (2024) Journal of Veterinary Medical Education.
Upchurch, D. A., & Fox, K. (2023). Students' Approaches to Learning during Pre-clinical and Clinical Phases of a Veterinary Curriculum, Their Motivations and Their Correlation with GPA. Journal of veterinary medical education, e20220129. Advanced online publication.
Davis, R.C., Fox, K & Chan. E (2023) Factors impacting the engagement and achievement of adult learners enrolled in a hybrid/online PGCert in Veterinary Education. RIDE conference, Centre for Online and Distance Education, March 28 - 29, 2023
Fox, K & Davis, R.C (2022) Our NVIVO experiences, Qualitative Research Group, ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ, Online May 2022
Davis, R. C., Fox, K., & Chan, E (2022) Distance learning through necessity or choice – factors impacting student engagement and achievement on a postgraduate certificate in veterinary education, Veterinary Educator Collaborative, VEC, Kansas State University, June 28th - 30th 2022
Davis, R. C., Fox, K., & Chan, E (2022) Distance learning through necessity or choice – factors impacting student engagement and achievement on a postgraduate certificate in veterinary education, presented at International Technology, education, and development conference 2022, online March 2022.
Davis, R.C., & Fox, K. (2021) Distance learning through choice, necessity and /or Covid: Impact on experience, engagement, and future practice, presented at Veterinary education research group, University of Nottingham, Online September 2021
Davis, R. C., Fox, K., & Chan, E (2022) Distance learning through necessity or choice – factors impacting student engagement and achievement on a postgraduate certificate in veterinary education, presented at International Technology, education, and development conference 2022, online March 2022.
K Magnier, M Pead (2017) Chapter 16 Performance and Workplace-Based Assessment, Veterinary Medical Education: A Practical Guide, Eds. J.L. Hodgson and J.M. Pelzer. John Wiley and Sons
T Kinnison, M Whiting, K Magnier, L Mossop (2017) Evaluating# Vet Finals: Can Twitter help students prepare for final examinations? Medical Teacher, 1-8
KM Magnier, R Wang, VHM Dale, MJ Pead (2014) Challenges and Responsibilities of Clinical Teachers in the Workplace: An Ethnographic Approach, Journal of veterinary medical education 41 (2), 155-161
A Silva-Fletcher, H May, K Magnier, SA May (2014) Teacher Development: A Patchwork-Text Approach to Enhancing Critical Reflection in Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Educators, Journal of veterinary medical education 41 (2), 146-154
Silva-Fletcher A., Magnier, K., Whittlestone, K. (2013) Teaching observations at a distance: the effectiveness of the process and the impact on practice. Presented at ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2013, December 5th –6th
KM Magnier, VHM Dale, MJ Pead (2012) Workplace-Based Assessment Instruments in the Health Sciences, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 39 (4) 389-395
K Magnier, R Wang, VHM Dale, R Murphy, RA Hammond, L Mossop (2011) Enhancing clinical learning in the workplace: a qualitative study, Veterinary Record 169 (26), 682-6822011
K Magnier (2011) Enhancing Clinical Learning in the Workplace: Outcomes of Phase I, Presented at American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC 2011) March 10-13th
A Stokes, K Magnier, R Weaver, What is the use of fieldwork? (2011) Conceptions of students and staff in geography and geology, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 35 (01), 121-141
K Magnier, Wang, R., Dale, V. H. M., and Hammond, R. (2011) Enhancing Clinical Learning in the Workplace. The 2nd Veterinary Education Symposium, Nottingham, UK, 13-14 July 2011.
K Magnier, Wang, R., Dale, V. H. M., Mossop, L., Hammond, R., Murphy, R., Freeman, S., and Pead, M. J. (2011) Enhancing Clinical Learning in the Workplace: Outcomes of Phase II. The 2nd Veterinary Education Symposium, Nottingham, UK, 13-14 July 2011.
K Magnier, R Wang, VHM Dale, L Mossop, R Hammond, R Murphy (2011) Enhancing Clinical Learning in the Workplace: a qualitative study, The Veterinary record, 169 (26) 682-689
K Magnier, R Wang (2010) Enhancing Clinical Learning in the Workplace: Phase I, Presented at AMEE September 2010, September 4-8th
A Stokes, K Magnier, (2008) It’s an experience you’ll never forget”: Qualifying the link between fieldwork and the affective domain, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 40, 493.
J Maskall, A Stokes, JB Truscott, A Bridge, K Magnier, V Calderbank, Supporting fieldwork using information technology, Planet 18 (1), 18-21 20 2007
P Marston, A Stokes, JB Truscott, A Bridge, K Magnier, V Calderbank, (2007) Towards a generic on-line fieldwork and laboratory Environment, Planet
K Magnier (2006) Sustainability as a troublesome concept in the GEES discipline, Planet 17 (1), 32-33
Kirsty leads the PG Diploma in Veterinary Education and is the Deputy leader of the MSc Research Project.
Kirsty is a Module leader on Small Group Teaching, Technology Supported Learning and Teaching, Assessment, Feedback and Learning, and Educational Research Methods.
Kirsty is an internal examiner on the PGCert, Diploma, and MSc Research in Veterinary Education