Department: Clinical Science and Services

Campus: Hawkshead

Research Groups: Musculoskeletal Biology, CPCS (Research Programme)

Clinical Groups: Equine Surgery, Equine Diagnostic Imaging

David is a Diplomate of both the and (Large Animal) and an Associate Member (Large Animal) of the . He is an . His main research interests lie in equine lameness examination and surgery, diagnostic imaging and veterinary education.

David is a Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery at RVC Equine. He graduated from the Veterinary School of the University of Bern, Switzerland in 1994. He then spent 2 years at the Institute for Animal Pathology of the University of Bern earning a Master’s Degree (Dr. med. vet.). From 1997 to 1999 David completed a 3-year rotating program in Equine Medicine, Surgery and Diagnostic Imaging. In 2000 he entered a one-year rotating internship in Equine Medicine and Surgery at Louisiana State University where he stayed on for a 3-year Equine Surgery Residency and completion of a Master’s Degree program (MSc Vet Clin Sci).

David moved to California where he completed a one-year Fellowship in Equine Surgery at UC Davis. He became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2005. Prior to joining the RVC in 2007, David spent 2 years at the Galbreath Equine Center of The Ohio State University as a Temporary Assistant Clinical Professor in Equine Orthopaedics.

David is collaborating on projects in the Structure and Motion Laboratory of the RVC and the Equine Diagnostic Imaging Service. His main research interests lie in diagnostic imaging, cartilage and tendon healing, biomechanics of locomotion, fracture repair and in veterinary education.

SHELTON, A.V., TUPPER, J. & BOLT, D.M. (2024). Prejudicial findings regarding suitability for intended purpose during pre-purchase examinations in a mixed horse population—A retrospective observational study in the United Kingdom. Equine Vet J 56: 1-7. .

PFAU, T., CLARK, S.E., BOLT, D.M., LAI, J.S., PERRIER, M., RHODES, J.B., SMITH, R.K.S. & FISKE_JACKSON, A. (2023). Changes in head and pelvic symmetry movement after diagnostic analgesia: Interactions between subjective judgement categories and commonly applied blocks. Animals 13(24): 3769: .

HERRERA-LINARES,  M.E., BOLT, D.M., MEESON, R. and SANCHIS-MORA, S. (2023): Ultrasound-guided saphenous and sciatic nerve block in an adult goat undergoing trochlear sulcoplasty for lateral patellar luxation. Vet Record Case Reports 11(3):

MANRUNOVA, E., HOENECKE, K., FISKE-JACKSON A., SMITH, R.K.S., BOLT, D.M., PERRIER, M, GERDES, C., HERNLUND, E., RHODIN, M. and PFAU, T. (2022): Changes in head, withers and pelvis movement asymmetry in lame horses as a function of diagnostic anaesthesia outcome, surface and direction. J Equine Vet Sci 118: 104136. 

PFAU T., BOLT D.M., FISKE-JACKSON A., GERDES C., HOENECKE K., LYNCH L., PERRIER M. and SMITH R.K.S. (2022): Linear discriminant analysis for investigating differences in upper body movement symmetry in horses before/after diagnostic analgesia in relation to expert judgement. Animals 12(6): 762.

BOLT D.M., CARRIER M.E., SHERIDAN K.S., MANSO-DIAZ G., BERNER D (2022) Measurement accuracy of foot conformation parameters on low-field magnetic resonance images in horses. J Equine Vet Sci 112:103894. 

HAWKINS A.E., O’LEARY L.E., BOLT D.M., FISKE-JACKSON A., BERNER D., SMITH R.K.S. (2022) Retrospective analysis of oblique and straight distal sesamoidean ligament desmitis in 52 horses. Equine Vet J 54: 312. 

HO, N.T.Z., MORGAN, R., BOLT, D.M., HAWKINS, A.E. & VERES-NYEKI, K. (2020) Caudal inferior alveolar nerve block in a Bennett’s wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus. Vet Record Case Reports 8. 

ADAMI, C., WESTWOOD-HEARN, H., BOLT, D.M. & MONTICELLI, P. (2020) Prevalence of electrolyte disturbances and preanesthetic death risk factors in 120 horses undergoing colic surgery. J Equine Sci doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2019.102843

MANSO-DIAZ, G., BOLT, D.M. & LOPEZ-SANROMAN, J. (2019) Ultrasonographic visualization of the mesenteric vasculature in horses with large colon colic. Vet Record doi: 10.1136/vr.105468. [Epub ahead of print].

BRYANT, H.A., DIXON, J.J., WELLER, R. & BOLT, D.M. (2019) Use of Positive Contrast Radiography to Identify Synovial Involvement in Horses with Traumatic Limb Wounds. Equine Vet J 51: 20-23.

FRANKLINOS, L.H., MASTERS, N., FELTRER, Y. POCKNELL, A., BOLT, D.M., DAKIN, S., BERRY, K. & MOLENAAR, F.M. (2017) The management of an oral anaplastic sarcoma in a pigmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis Liberiensis) using intralesional chemotherapy. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 48(1): 260-264. 

DUNKEL, B., PFAU, T., FISKE-JACKSON, A., VERES-NYEKI, K., FAIRHURST, H., JACKSON, K., CHANG, Y.M. & BOLT, D.M. (2017) A pilot study on the effect of acupuncture treatment on objective and subjective gait parameters in horses. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 44(1):154-162. 

BOLT, D.M. & DIXON J.J.  (2016): Deep digital flexor tendon lesions in the foot – a career-ending injury for the equine athlete? Livestock 21(3): 196-200.

WHITLOCK J., DIXON, J., SHERLOCK, C., TUCKER, R., BOLT, D.M., and WELLER R. (2016). Technical innovation changes radiographic protocol in veterinary medicine: Is it necessary to obtain two dorso65°proximal-palmarodistal oblique views of the equine foot when using computerised radiography systems? Vet Record 178(21): 531-534. 

DUNKEL, B., MAIR, T., MARR, C.M., CARNWATH, J. & BOLT, D.M. (2015) Indications, Complications and Outcome of 95 Horses undergoing Repeat Celiotomy within 14 Days after the First Colic Surgery. J Am Vet Med Assoc 246: 540-546. .

PFAU, T., SPICER-JENKINS, C., SMITH, R.K.S., BOLT, D.M., FISKE-JACKSON, A. & WITTE, T.H. (2014) Identifying Optimal Parameters for Quantification of Changes in Pelvic Movement Symmetry as a Response to Diagnostic Analgesia in the Hindlimbs of Horses. Equine Vet J 46: 759-763. .

BARSTOW, A., PFAU, T., BOLT, D.M., SMITH, R.K.S. & WELLER, R. (2014). Design and Validation of a Computer-Aided Learning Program to Enhance Students' Ability to Recognize Lameness in the Horse. J Vet Med Educ 41(1). 1-8. 3.

BOLT, D.M., READ, R.M., WELLER, R., SINCLAIR, C. & DAVID, F.H. (2013) Standing Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging of A Comminuted Central tarsal Bone Fracture in A Horse. Equine Vet Ed 25(12): 618-623. .

ARNDT, J.L., PFAU, T., DAY, P., PARDOE, C., BOLT, D.M. & WELLER, R. (2013) How reliable is the use of hoof testers? The intra- and inter-operator repeatability of force application to different regions of the foot. J Eq Vet Sci 33(10) 884. .

HOLROYD, K., DIXON, J.J., MAIR, T., BOLAS, N., BOLT, D.M., DAVID, F.H. & WELLER, R. (2013) Variation in Foot Conformation in Lame Horses with Different Foot Lesions. Vet J 195(3): 361-365. .

GUNNING, P., SMITH, A., FOX, V., BOLT, D.M., LOWE, J., SINCLAIR, C., WITTE, T.H. & WELLER, R. (2013) Development and validation of an equine nerve block simulator to supplement practical skills training in undergraduate veterinary students, Vet Rec 172 (17): 450. .

FOX, V., SINCLAIR, C., BOLT, D.M., LOWE, J. & WELLER, R. (2013) Design and Validation of a Simulator for Equine Joint Injections. J Vet Med Educ 40(2): 152. .

ARNDT, J.L., PFAU, T., DAY, P., PARDOE, C., BOLT, D.M., & WELLER, R. (2012) Forces applied with a hoof tester to cadaver feet vary widely between users. Vet Rec 172(7): 182. .

LAWSON, J.S., BOLT, D.M., MAY, S., SMITH, A.J., FELSTEAD, C.W. & WELLER, R. (2012) Detection of joint effusion on radiographs of horses. Vet Rec (). 

TAYLOR, A.H. and BOLT, D.M. (2011) Persistent penile erection (priapism) after acepromazine premedication in a gelding. Vet Anaest Analg 38(5), 523-525. .

DUNKEL, B., BOLT, D.M., SMITH, R.K.S, & CUNNINGHAM, F. (2011) Stimulus-dependent release of tissue-regenerating factors by equine platelets. Equine Vet J ().

BOLT, D.M., WITTE, T.H. and LYGO-BAKER, S. (2010) The complex role of veterinary clinical teachers: How is their role perceived and what are the expectations of them? J Vet Med Educ 37(4),388-394. .

FISKE-JACKSON, A.R., CRAWFORD, A.L., ARCHER, R.M., BOLT, D.M. & SMITH, R.K. (2010) Diagnosis, management, and outcome in 19 horses with deltoid tuberosity fractures. Vet Surg 39(8), 1005-1010. .

KAY, A.T., BOLT, D.M., ISHIHARA, A., RAJALA-SCHULZ, P.J. & BERTONE, A.L. (2008) Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of intra-articular injection of triamcinolone acetonide, mepivacaine hydrochloride, or both on lipopolysaccharide-induced lameness in horses. Am J Vet Res 69 (12), 1646-1654. .

VALDES-MARTINEZ, A., SEILER, G., MAI, W., BOLT, D. M., MUDGE, M., DUKTI, S. A. & HUBERT, J. D. (2008) Quantitative analysis of scintigraphic findings in tibial stress fractures in Thoroughbred racehorses. Am J Vet Res 69, 886-890.

BOLT, D. M., ISHIHARA, A., WEISBRODE, S. E. & BERTONE, A. L. (2008) Effects of triamcinolone acetonide, sodium hyaluronate, amikacin sulfate, and mepivacaine hydrochloride, alone and in combination, on morphology and matrix composition of lipopolysaccharide-challenged and unchallenged equine articular cartilage explants. Am J Vet Res 69, 861-867.

WAGUESPACK, R.W., BOLT D.M. & HUBERT, J.D. (2007) Esophageal Strictures and Diverticula. Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet Equine 2, 194-206.

DYKGRAAF, S., DECHANT, J. E., JOHNS, J. L., CHRISTOPHER, M. M., BOLT, D. M. & SNYDER, J. R. (2007) Effect of intrathecal amikacin administration and repeated centesis on digital flexor tendon sheath synovial fluid in horses. Vet Surg 36, 57-63.

BOLT, D. M., BURBA, D. J., HUBERT, J. D., STRAIN, G. M., HOSGOOD, G. L., HENK, W. G. & CHO, D. Y. (2004) Determination of functional and morphologic changes in palmar digital nerves after nonfocused extracorporeal shock wave treatment in horses. Am J Vet Res 65, 1714-1718.

BOLT, D. M., BURBA, D. J., HUBERT, J. D., PETTIFER, G. R. & HOSGOOD, G. L. (2004) Evaluation of cutaneous analgesia after non-focused extracorporeal shock wave application over the 3rd metacarpal bone in horses. Can J Vet Res 68, 288-292.

BOLT, D.M., HUBERT, J.D. & WILLIAMS, J. (2003). Fractures of the Small Tarsal Bones and Luxation of the Tarsal Joints in Horses. Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet 25, 310-316.

BOLT, D. M. & BURBA, D. J. (2003) Use of a dynamic compression plate and a cable cerclage system for repair of a fracture of the radius in a horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 223, 89-92, 60.

BOLT, D.M., HUBERT, J.D. & WILLIAMS, J. (2002). Traumatic Injuries to the Large Tarsal Bones in Horses. Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet 24, 724-733.

BOLT, D. M., HUBERT, J. D. & WILLIAMS, J. (2001) What is your diagnosis? Minimal soft-tissue swelling of the tarsocrural and proximal intertarsal joints and a minimally displaced oblique slab fracture of the third tarsal bone. J Am Vet Med Assoc 218, 1085-1086.

BOLT, D. M., HAENI, H., MULLER, E. & WALDVOGEL, A. S. (1997) Non-suppurative myocarditis in piglets associated with porcine parvovirus infection. J Comp Pathol 117, 107-118.

David enjoys teaching at all levels, from undergraduate veterinary students through to post-graduate clinical training scholars (residents and interns) and paraprofessionals (farriers). He is involved in teaching on various BVetMed courses and the Equine Lead of the BVetMed Locomotor Strand. David also coordinates and runs the Equine Surgery Rotation for Final Year BVetMed Students with Anna Dalton. He coordinates the Equine Orthopaedic Section of the Elective Conference for BVetMed students in clinics.

David enjoys all aspects of Large Animal Surgery including laparoscopy, colic surgery and wound repair. His main interests lies in Equine Orthopaedics with a special emphasis on lameness examination, arthroscopy/tenoscopy and fracture repair surgeries. He also likes to occasionally help out as a consultant in the treatment of exotic species in the London Zoos.

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