Dr Carolina Palacios Jimenez
Department: Clinical Science and Services
Campus: Hawkshead
Research Groups: Cardiovascular and Renal Biology, CPCS (Research Programme)
Clinical Groups: Large Animal Anaesthesia, Small Animal Anaesthesia
Carolina is a Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia.
Carolina graduated from Cordoba's University (Spain) in 2000 and then completed a Dissertation in 2001 and a PhD in Anaesthesia in 2003. Carolina worked for seven years in small animal practice before starting her Anaesthesia Residency at The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ in September 2007. In 2009 she gained her Certificate in Veterinary Anaesthesia. After finishing her Residency she worked one year as a Post-Doctoral researcher developing a porcine model of liver faliure. After few years working in Brazil and Canada, Carolina returned to the RVC as a Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia.
Carolina’s interests are Low Flow Anaesthesia, Alpha-2 agonist CRI in Small Animals and Mechanical Ventilation.
Conference papers
Redondo JI, Palacios C, Bonastre C and Soler G. Facebook as a tool for diffusion of scientific knowledge. Oral communication. XI National Congress of SEAAV (Spanish Society of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia). Madrid, 2015.
* Redondo JI, Bonastre C, Palacios C. SEAAV's experience using Facebook for scientific outreach of veterinary anaesthesia. Oral communication: AVA Spring meeting. Lyon, 2016.
* Medina R, Palacios C, Monticelli P, Viscasillas J. Ultrasound guided placement of thoracic para vertebral catheters in dog: cadaveric study. Oral communication: XIV National Congress of SEAAV (Spanish Society of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia). Pamplona, 2018.
Refereed Journals
* Gómez-Villamandos RJ, Palacios C, et al. Dexmedetomidine or medetomidine premedication before propofol-desflurane anaesthesia in dogs. J Vet Pharmacol Ther. 2006 Jun; 29 (3): 157-63.
* Gómez-Villamandos RJ, Palacios C., et al. Effect of Medetomidine Infusion on the Anaesthetic Requirements of Desflurane in Dogs. Res Vet Sci. 2008 Feb; 84 (1): 68-73.
* Palacios Jimenez C, Mathis A, Sanchis Mora S, et al. Evaluation of the quality of the recovery after administration of propofol or alfaxalone for induction of anaesthesia in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg. 2012, 39 (2), 151159.
* Lee K, Palacios Jimenez C, et al. A reproducible, clinically-relevant, intensively-managed, pig model of acute liver failure for testing of therapies aimed to prolong survival. Liver International, 2013, 33, 544-551.
* Brondani JT, Luna SP, Outeda NC, Redondo JI, Granados MM, Bustamante H, Palacios C and Otero P. Validation of the spanish version of the UNESP-Botucatu multidimensional composite pain scale to assess postoperative pain in cats. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria, 2013, 46 (3): 477-486 (in spanish).
* Sanchis Mora S, Viscasillas J, Mathis A, Palacios C et al. Anaesthetic management of pacemaker implantation in dogs. Vet Rec 2014, 175 (12), 303.
* Duke-Novakovski T, Palacios Jimenez C, Wetzel T et al. Cardiopulmonary effects of dexmedetomidine and ketamine infusions with either propofol infusion or isoflurane for anesthesia in horses. Vet Anaesth Analg 2015, 42 (1): 39-49.
* Lee KC, Baker LA, Stanzani G, Alibhai H, Chang YM, Palacios C et al. Extracorporeal liver-assist device to exchange albumin and remove endotoxin in acute liver failure: Results of a pivotal pre-clinical study. J Hepatol 2015, 63 (3): 634-642.
* Baker LA, Lee KC, Palacios C, et al. Circulating microRNAs Reveal Time Course of Organ Injury in a Porcine Model of Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Failure. PLoS One 2015, 10 (5).
* Viscasillas J, Sanchis-Mora S, Palacios C et al. Anaesthetic management and complications of balloon valvuloplasty for pulmonic stenosis in dogs. Vet Rec 2015, 177 (13): 340.
* Norgate D, Palacios C. A rare complication associated with the endotracheal tube during extubation in a cat. Vet Anaesth Analg, 2017, 44 (6): 1401-1403.
* Redondo JI, Bonastre C, Palacios C. Using Facebook for spreading the scientific knowledge: the case-study of the Spanish Society of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (SEAAV). Vet Rec, 2018 (in review).
Non-refereed Journals
· Gómez-Villamandos RJ, Palacios C, et al. Anaesthetic protocols medetomidine-propofol-desflurane vs medetomidine-propofol-isoflurane in the dog. Med Vet 2001; 18 (6): 461-8.
· Gómez-Villamandos RJ, Palacios C, et al. Clinical use of sevoflurane in dogs. Pequeños Animales 2001; 31: 34-9.
· Villalobos CM, Palacios C, et al. Sevoflurane in veterinary anaesthesia. Andalucía Veterinaria Marzo 2003, 13-16.
· Palacios C, Benítez A. Inhalant anaesthesia in small animals. Información Veterinaria Diciembre 2005, 16-20.
· Jimenez Lozano A, Palacios Jimenez C. Anaesthetic management of the patient with endocrine disease. Canis et felis 2009 April; 97, 6-21.
· Palacios C. Immersion anaesthesia in fish: MS222 vs alfaxalone. Clinanesvet, Multimedica Ed 2015, 2, 2-10.
· Palacios C. Anaesthetic management for the correction of a cor triatriatum dexter in a dog. Consulta de Difusion Veterinaria 2018, 247: 51-58.
Chapters in textbooks
* Benítez A y Palacios C. Sedation protocols. In: Gómez-Villamandos R, Redondo JI, y col. Anaesthesia, Reanimation and Pain Therapy in Small Animals. España, 2001; 29-39.
* Palacios C. Lactate. In: Sandez I et al. Clinical Manual of Anaesthetic Monitorization in Small Animals. Spain, 2019 (expected publication date); 125-134.
* Palacios C. Anaesthetic considerations in equine patients: colic, foals and local blocks (head). In: Muñoz P, Granados MM, et al. Clinical Manual of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Spain, 2019 (expected publication date).
Carolina teaches under and postgraduate students (BVetMed and MVetMed).
Carolina participates actively at the QMHA, working normal hours and emergency time.